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Literary Magazines and Journals

“Hand Against the Horn” The Timberline Review, Issue 7, 2018.


“Cara Dog” To Unsnare Time’s Warp Anthology: A 2016 Main Street Rag Short Fiction Anthology.


RampBlue Penny Quarterly, Summer, 20th Anniversary Issue 2014. 


Sweet the SoundBlue Lake Review, February 2013.


“Love, Masque & Folly” Porches: A 2013 Main Street Rag Short Fiction Anthology.


“Title IX Nine and Me” BECOMING—What Makes A Woman Anthology 2012.


“Signed Sealed Delivered” Tattoos: A 2012 Main Street Rag Short Fiction Anthology.


NavidadCortland Review, Issue 53, 2011.


“Less Said” Punkin House Digest, 2011.


“Yellow Tape” Coming Home: A 2010 Main Street Rag Short Fiction Anthology.


“Meat” Commutability, Stories About the Journey from Here to There: A 2010 Main Street Rag Short Fiction Anthology. (Pushcart Nomination)


“Night Glow” Big Water: A 2008 Main Street Rag Short Fiction Anthology.

St. Christopher on Pluto



MK and Colleen get reacquainted while working in different stores at a bankrupt mall. After ditching Colleen's car to collect the insurance, they drive from one unexpected event to the next in Big Blue, MK's Buick clunker with a St. Christopher statue glued to the dash. The glow-in-the-dark icon guides them past the farm debris, mine ruins, and fracking waste of Pennsylvania's Appalachia North. Yet their world is not dystopian. Rather, MK and Colleen show why, amidst all the desperation, there is still a community of hope, joy, laughter, and goodwill.​


Copyright 2019-2020 Nancy McKinley

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